Went out early this A.M. to do a small photoshoot of my talented nephews and my BIL. The oldest tours on a Jr. Golf League, while I am sure the other will follow in his footsteps. We drove out to the golf course that they are members and it was purely picturesque.
Here are a few, and I know that the boys will see so all the sandtrap shots ROCK!!!
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I was fortunate to grow up in the country. In doing so, I had to endure a one hour trip to and from my school and most of the days just gazing out the window. Around the bend, down the road from my elementary school I use to attend was an old farm house with barn and land. Today I stopped and talked to the owner, who 2 years ago bought this property and restored it to its full glory and majesty. To look at it makes you yearn to drink lemonade and swing from a hammock....REALLY!!!!
Here are just a few pictures...of what I am sure will be many because she gave me permission to stop and shoot anytime and I can't wait to do this in all type of lighting!
Thank You O'..... Family!
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and it did!!!! Just in time to get some pictures of these most vivacious, and most incredibly beautiful girls.
Not only was it sprinkling from time to time, but actually was perfect for lighting!!! Not too many squinty eyes due to all the cloud cover. It really is a photographers best weather!
Not to mention the backdrop was their beautiful landscaped and wonderfully manicured lawn, and just simply a gorgeous home. Lots of warmth...added with tons of LOVE!
Here is a few samples of many, many more pictures I took.......good luck S.E. when you get to see them all to choose from!!! You may need all!
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What more could one want...except beautiful pictures from me:)
This is my hairdresser/business owner/friend from high school/mother/wife....well and who I consider a good friend now family pictures I had the honor of doing this past week.
This is just a sample of the many photos that I need to go over but I wanted to get a few up here so that she can see a bit of what is more to come!!
Thanks H.
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but the golden hues from the sun made some shots just warm and glowing. My two were sooo cooperative, while the middle child was not in the mood!
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My youngest turned the BIG 5 this past weekend and she was such a hoot!!!
It really has been her birthday "tomorrow" for about a year and with the day actually here she still claims it is "tomorrow". Some days I feel she needs to sing a "Orphan Annie" song!!!
But as luck would have it her actual birthday begun to sink in and she took the birthday weekend for a ride!!! Princess was the theme and even with a bat in her hand she would tackle any job to get at the candy.
Her Aunt Paula had some beauty tips and shared a big kiss with us all!!!
My little one is "5"... time does fly!!
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My neighbor and his son, Mike & Mike, are renovating an old truck. Well, as it was it use to be an old Army truck....way COOL!!!
I was able to take a few pics of the boys with, in, and on their toy!
Thanks Guys!!
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We went to our home town and enjoyed the most beautiful parade along with some fabulous weather!!! If those of you have never experienced a 'country hometown parade' well....you are REALLY missing out!!! If you ever get a chance to go to a hometown event take it!!! You will feel, "Beaver Cleaverish" in no time!
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Look for the light....that is what any photographer will say is the key to capturing a great picture. Who knew I had so much 'great light' under my deck. Before with the pictures of the twins we had super light and here again with my girls.
They were making rock babies! Drawing on rocks with chaulk and giving them names like "yoo hoo" and "Lisa"?????