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One snow day is better than none?!?!?!

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I had my FREE snow session this past weekend....we had NO snow on Sat....but really, really cold! The "W" family was just wonderful and really troopers to brave the cold without snow! Little Miss "J" was so cute with her little words of "No", "UGG" and the best "KEWL"!! The next day, well.....snow came on down..YEA!!! Miss "E" was just so cute....and the expressions were priceless!!! Just a little Gerber baby! And it wasn't all kids.....it is also this lovely couple. Fun and really the picture perfect couple. Just look how well they compliment eachother....really fresh and the camera LOVED them. Oh, and they camera loved their baby as well....all four legs of him!! Oh, forgot about my mini-mini shoot....Family "K" was unable to come out on Sunday due to the case of the major sniffles!!! But I did get a great shot of the oldest....especially due to she tries with all her might to avoid the camera. THANK YOU EVERYONE....for making this a great weekend. KEEP CHECK ON THIS BLOG FOR MORE FREEBIES........


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My gift to you.....snow, fun, and photos to preserve the memories for years to come!!! I sent out a e-mail to those that I have on my list and to my special friends and family that I think would enjoy this special moment. IF you did not receive your e-mail telling of the details, it may be that I do not have your proper e-mail, or I could have wrote down your e-mail address wrong!!!, or the e-mail troll took it!! Either way just send me a message through this blog or through the contact page of my website at www.creativestudiosfoto.com Get your time in place before it is taken!!! Talk to you soon, Lisa


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I want to hear from YOU!!! ***below each post there is a 'comments' word...double click and leave me a message. If there is something you want to see, or hear about, or how did you do that??? Well, any kind of communication that you are visiting....(and I know some of you are out there you told me so!!!!) I would so appreciate not feeling like I am talking to myself...well okay...I often do that but for it to be out in the wide world of web; lets just say it is a bit embarrassing!!! Thanks .... Me! BTW---had to find a pathetic, saddest, looking face and my youngest dd can pore it on!!!

Thanksgiving --a few days late--

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We had Thanksgiving celebrations, that lasted three day it seems!!! Thankful for so many things; *Family *Health *Love *Friends Really.....the basics are the most treasured. Many things are just that....things. Money, material possessions, and many more 'things', that; don't get me wrong that I do love having:); is just that.......THINGS! But the 4 above are true treasures, items that sometimes you have no control over and that people yearn and earn to keep every minute of everyday. I hope your treasures are just those as above, I hope with each day you work to preserve and keep safe those treasures. Do not take them for granted......


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DID I GET YOUR ATTENTION???????? I am offering a once time offer on getting a great deal and GREAT pictures. -------I will WAIVE my session fee for this offer------- ------Previous clients who bring a friend and children will get one FREE 5X7 picture from the shoot------------ The deal is it will be a really spur of the moment kind of shoot. I will CALL everyone either the night before or the morning of the session because the shoot will take place during snow fall!!!!! If you want to be on the contact list you will need to e-mail me or call me to give me your number so that you can be contacted for this most fun and unusual session. Remember to Bring your Hats, Scarfs, Mittens and energy!!! PS*******If the snow falls early enough I will consider offering ridiculously low X-mas Cards with the captures we get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (okay, I am listening to Christmas music and it REALLY has put me in the mood to GIVE!!! Don't wait and miss out ; I am not sure how long my mood will last!!!)

Cute, Cute, Cute.....did I mention *CUTE*!!!

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Little "G" had the deepest eyes I think I have ever seen, and for sure the deepest I have ever photographed. And look how they draw you in....to look really deep, really long, almost mezmorizing. 4 month olds are unpredictable. Everything that we could do we did to get her in a giggly, smiley mood......but honestly these pics of her just looking are really precious. You can tell she is a thinker, could even grow to be very artistic. Even with the cold weather and ZERO light (if clouds could be any thicker or greyer we would have been in darkness), the images only reflect the brightness of their love for eachother and their most precious daughter. Thanks for inviting me!!! (PS Please "A" do not cringe at all my grammer errors;)

Revitalization & Renewal

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I love photography....I love the way taking images of people and how the pictures evoke some feeling from *ME*. But, times are hectic and when I go to take pictures of my family and events seem a bit hurried to me. To end this I decided, while I should have been dusting and shining upstairs, to take my little ones and "find the light" in my house. I opened a ton of windows (again looking at the windows thinking "Oye Vey, these desperately need a shine") and asked all three to be goofy and wear some new hats I bought on my weekend away with the girls. They were completely cooperative, and with some musical help and jammin' to Megan's CD, we had sooo much fun. They are my life, my loves, and my MUSES!!!

A view from my back deck....

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Picture of the moon....and let me tell you it took more than one take. Really this is about the fourth time trying to take a picture of 'the man in the moon'. Also, a landscape pic of the sun setting at the tree lines across of the pond in our back yard. Autumn, my favorite time of the year!!!

And then they turn "1"

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Thank You "D" family for allowing me into your home and get just a peek of just how wonderful you are as parents and as people!! It is amazing to see just how great you are with little "S" and how much love and joy that each of you share with one another. Not only within your immediate family but with your extended one! This time "S's" Aunt was there to join in the fun of picture day......and boy did this little girl love her Auntie!!(thanks for helping me get the little one's attention!) Once in a while you see a picture that just melts your heart....but when you get a hand full it is truely a treasure. Here is your sneek peek!!!

What happens in Petosky.....stays in Petosky!!!

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Our annual Girls Weekend was a success. Lots of laughs.. Lots of shopping... Lots of sharing... Lots of ..people looking at our chest and wondering???Who is Rick Lachey???? Enough said....shhhhhhh!

Learning via Hands-On....it doesn't hurt that the teacher is one of the best in her field!!

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I had the greatest opportunity to get into Audrey Woulard's Be Inspired photography workshop a few weeks ago and being that it was my first workshop I can say for sure that any other workshop I may attend in the future will have a VERY HIGH bar of excellance to achieve to come close to hers. Not only is she completely down to earth and very approachable but she is the friend, the sister-in-law, the sister, the mother all could only hope to have in their life. It is refreshing to see that the work and the efforts of her eye and work pays off with photos that reflect art!! BUT, also shows the most essential part of people, their human side! People reflect who they are through their eyes and Audrey GETS THAT!! Now, taking much of what is learned over the weekend, I am striving to attain that vision as well. Taking pictures of you and your loved ones are my passion....making the images art and most meaningful is my mission!!

Fall is the time of colors and FUN!!!

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I had the honor of photographing a friend of my son's and just a great brother duo. You can tell how much they care and respect eachother and how just much they LOVE eachother too!! Don't get me wrong, I am sure that they battle over playing GameStation or getting into eachothers stuff, all normal sibling squabbles; however the care and concern and really just love you see these two have for eachother just would melt your heart! Easy, schmeezie photo shoot...just look how handsome and extremely cute these two are! Thanks "B" Family..pure joy and maybe next time we can play in the snow???

AA (squared)

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Wet, rainy, may have to cancel the photo shoot.....but when to reschedule with everyones schedule is packed to the hilt!!! So, being great troopers we were off on an adventure and found the cutest place in AA that had a pavilion; dated built in 1914, with a wonderful bridge and a river running through it. No Brad Pitt around but there was this great looking family I was able to photograph. Not only are they all good looking, and very coordinated, but also sweet. After the shoot I saw them at Wendy's (I swear I wasn't following them!!!!) and they were so kind to even buy my son and I our dinner. YUM! Thanks W. Family. Here is a small preview.....