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First Day of School....ALL 3!!!

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I wanted to post, mainly for my family who stalks me here, the line up the morning of the first day of school!!! I didn't cry the first day of school for my first born, or even for my second born; but for the third I did??? She loaded on the bus and away she went....I turned to my mom and sobbed!! What gets me is she is the one I am NOT worried about!! I was worried for my other two on if they would make friends, will they keep up with the work, will they speak up if they do not understand....but for "H" I haven't any of those worries! Now that we are a few weeks into school it is easier and yes even pleasant not to have anybody at home for a while. I HAVE been still needing to run around for appointments and such, but I think the month of October I may have a bit of time to sit back, without anyone around, without having to go here and there and pick up so and so at this time.....for about a 4 hour period!!! What is a girl to do??

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